About Me

My photo
Hello, our name is ZASA. Zoe, Alex, Sam, Aly. Zoe's 11, Alex is 18, Aly is 14, and Sam is Thirteen. Order a makeover! We're 100% safe. And congrats, Alex is now a future-mommy!♥

Monday, April 25, 2011

The Beginning of ZASA

ZASA first started off by me and three other friends having a party, and Alex questioned Aly
"Should we continue our presentation business?"
But then Aly came up with an excellent idea!
"How about we do a makeover business?"
All liking the idea, we decided to make a blog, so anyone on stardoll who wants a makeover, feel free to comment under a topic coming soon called 'Sign ups'
Now, here's a question:
Why did we choose the name ZASA?
We were playing with initials [Zoe, Aly, Sam, Alex] so I came up with ZASA
I hope this business becomes a huge success!
Thank you


  1. I want to sign up for the comp but I cant find where to sign in.
    put me in the comp(:
